“Books may well be the only true magic.” -- Alice Hoffman
A Cape Cod Kinship: Two Centuries, Two Wars, Two Men
A Pitiless Rain: The Battle of Williamsburg, 1862
Ace of Aces: The Incredible Story of Pat Pattle - the Greatest Fighter Pilot of WWII (Ace Pilots of World War II)
Aircraft Carriers (Military Hardware in Action)
B-17 Flying Fortress Units of the Eighth Air Force (Part 2)
Battle of Paoli
Bombers (Military Hardware in Action)
British Anti-tank Artillery 1939–45
British Frigate vs French Frigate: 1793–1814
Civil-Military Relations in the Soviet Union
Damn Dutch: Pennsylvania Germans at Gettysburg
General George C. Marshall and the Atomic Bomb
GOTTERDAMMERUNG: The Last Battles in the East (Eastern Front from Primary Sources)
Grape and Canister
Gregory's New York Brigade: Blue-Collar Reserves in Dusty Blue Jackets
Handbook of Underground Storage Tank Safety and Correction Technology
Hunger of the Heart: Communion at the Wall
Indomitable Will: Turning Defeat into Victory from Pearl Harbor to Midway
Life and Campaigns of Lieut-Gen Thomas J. Jackson
M1 Abrams: America's Main Battle Tank (Legends of Warfare: Ground)
On a Great Battlefield: The Making, Management, and Memory of Gettysburg National Military Park, 1933–2013
P-61 Black Widow In Action
Redcoats and Rebels: The War for America 1770-1781
Sacrifice, Captivity and Escape: The Remarkable Memoirs of a Japanese POW