“Books may well be the only true magic.” -- Alice Hoffman
Robert Smythson and the Elizabethan Country House
Robert Sobukwe - How Can Man Die Better
Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh (PA) (Images of America)
Romancing the Grail: Genre, Science, and Quest in Wolfram's Parzival
Rousseau: The Basic Political Writings: Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, Discourse on Political Economy, ... Contract, The State of War
Rowan Little Rowan
Rowdy Patsy Tebeau and the Cleveland Spiders: Fighting to the Bottom of Baseball, 1887-1899
Royal Enfield: The Complete Story
Royal Flying Corps Communiques, 1915-1916
Rudolf Kempe: Bilder E. Lebens
Sacrifice, Captivity and Escape: The Remarkable Memoirs of a Japanese POW
Sadler's Lutheran Church, 1789-1989: The Friendly Country Church
Salem Sojourn: A Journey Through Salem County
Sally Chu's Chinese Kitchen
Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson: History, Memory, and Civic Culture
Salomon De Brosse and the Development of the Classical Style in French Architecture from 1565 to 1630
Salt & sign: Mennonite Central Committee in Palestine, 1949-1999
Saltbox and Cape Cod Houses
Salvador Dali (Best of)
Saratoga Springs: A Brief History in Postcards
Scaling And Uncertainty Analysis in Ecology: Methods And Applications
Scandinavian Country
Scandinavian Style at Home: A Room-by-Room Guide
Scottish Monuments and Tombstones: Complete in 2 Volumes