“Books may well be the only true magic.” -- Alice Hoffman
Cable - Volume 2: Waiting for the End of the World
Cafe Racers of the 1970s: Machines, Riders and Lifestyle A Pictorial Review (Mick Walker on Motorcycles, 2)
Caillou: La Sortie
Calices de Fleurs
Caligula: An Unexpected General
Campaigns and Elections: Players and Processes Third Edition
Canadian Cars, 1946-1984
Canadian Portraits : Brethren in Christ Biographical Sketches
Cancer Prevention in Developing Countries: Proceedings of the First UICC Conference on Cancer Prevention in Developing Countries
Cancer: Origin and Prevention
Cannibalism, Headhunting and Human Sacrifice in North America: A History Forgotten
Car Design: Futuristic Concepts (Digital Concept Design)
Caribbean Migrants: Environment Human Survival St. Kitts Nevis
Caring for Your Miniature Donkey (Second Edition)
Carlos J. Finlay: His Life and His Work
Carnival Glass: The Magic and the Mystery (A Schiffer Book for Collectors)
Carolina Tractor & Equipment Company (Images of America)
Carving Seasonal Decorations for Windows & Door Frames (Schiffer Book for Woodcarvers)
Cat Lover's Postcards
Catalogue General Des Peintures Du Musee D'Unterlinden
Cengage Advantage Books: Looking Out, Looking In
Central Americans in Mexico City, Uprooted and Silenced
Cézanne, Murder, and Modern Life