“Books may well be the only true magic.” -- Alice Hoffman
John Potts Jr. (1738-c1800) of Pottstown, Pennsylvania, and His Descendants Through Grandchildren
James Whale: A New World Of Gods And Monsters
Chalk: The Art and Erasure of Cy Twombly
Tears of a Ballet Mum
John Jay: Founding Father
The Diary of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-Portrait
Uncle and the Girls
Through Woods & Waters: A Solo Journey to Maine's New National Monument
Michael Landon: The Career and Artistry of a Television Genius
Trek!: Man alone in the Arizona wild : the desert journals of Geoffrey Platts
We Like It Wild: A Year in the Canadian Wilderness
Tumbleweed Forts: Adventures of an Army Brat, Arizona 1960-63
Maria Mitchell and the Sexing of Science: An Astronomer among the American Romantics
The Quiet Revolution of Caroline Herschel: The Lost Heroine of Astronomy
The Prince Who Beat the Empire: How an Indian Ruler Took on the Might of the East India Company
Caligula: An Unexpected General
Requiem for a Spy: The Killing of Robert Nairac
General George C. Marshall and the Atomic Bomb
College in the 80s: One Syracuse Story
Peacebunny Island
German Americana, 1800-1955. A Comprehensive Bibliography of German, Austrian, and Swiss Books and Dissertations on the United States
Vincent Price: A Daughter's Biography
Robert Sobukwe - How Can Man Die Better