“Books may well be the only true magic.” -- Alice Hoffman
The Vegetable Gardener's Container Bible: How to Grow a Bounty of Food in Pots, Tubs, and Other Containers
Edible Forest Gardens, Vol. 2: Ecological Design And Practice For Temperate-Climate Permaculture
Morel Mushroom Hunting Secrets
Witch Hazels (Royal Horticultural Society Plant Collector Guide)
Karl Blossfeldt: 1865-1932: The Complete Published Work
Rain Gardens: Managing Water Sustainably in the Garden and Designed Landscape
The Farm as Ecosystem: Tapping Nature's Reservoir ─ Biology, Geology, Diversity
The Complete Guide to Edible Wild Plants
Backyard Homesteading: A Back-to-Basics Guide to Self-Sufficiency
The Dicotyledoneae of Ohio Part Three: Asteraceae
Art and Nature: The Gardens at Sunnylands
Wildlife in Your Garden: Planting and Landscaping to Create a Backyard Sanctuary
Flower Illustration by Masao Saito (English and Japanese Edition)
Exploring Agriscience 4th Edition
YOU CAN Grow African Violets
Green: A Field Guide to Marijuana
Kick-Ass Cannabis and Veggies: Organic Gardening Soils, Teas, and Tips for Growing Marijuana and Nutrient-Rich Vegetables
Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide: A Handbook for Psilocybin Enthusiasts
The Slipper Orchids
Outstanding Mosses & Liverworts of Pennsylvania & Nearby States
Backyard Homestead: A Practical Guide to Building Your Own Mini Farm & Raising Farm Animals for Beginners
Simply Country Gardens
The Shade Garden: Shade-Loving Plants for Year-Round Interest
The Flower Recipe Book