“Books may well be the only true magic.” -- Alice Hoffman
Israel's Place in the Middle East: A Pluralist Perspective
Flourish: Design Paradigms for Our Planetary Emergency
One Man's Word : Selected Works of Simon H. Rifkind
Making Sense of Race
Against the Great Reset: Eighteen Theses Contra the New World Order
Criminological Perspectives on Race and Crime (Criminology and Justice Studies) 2nd Edition
American Public Philosophy and the Mystery of Lincolnism
Henry Kissinger and the American Century
The Myth of the Modern Presidency
The American Presidency: Core Documents
Rousseau: The Basic Political Writings: Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, Discourse on Political Economy, ... Contract, The State of War
The Life of the Parties: A History of American Political Parties
Biddle, Jackson, and a Nation in Turmoil: The Infamous Bank War
Colonial Origins of the American Constitution
Campaigns and Elections: Players and Processes Third Edition
Why Bother With Elections?
The New Challenge of Direct Democracy
The History of Political Thought : A Short Introduction
Strong Presidents: A Theory of Leadership
Immigrant and Refugee Children and Families: Culturally Responsive Practice
Of Empires and Citizens: Pro-American Democracy or No Democracy at All?
Jacques Ellul on Religion, Technology, and Politics
Do the Right Thing: Inside the Movement That's Bringing Common Sense Back to America ~ Signed by Huckabee
Feminism and Tradition in Aesthetics