“Books may well be the only true magic.” -- Alice Hoffman
Free Dive Spear Fishing at the National Harbor of Refuge Lewes, Deleware
Tying & Fishing Tailwater Flies: 500 Step-by-Step Photos for 24 Proven Patterns
Legendary Golf Links of Ireland
Realistic Bug Out Bag, 2nd Edition: Prepared to Survive
Build the Perfect Bug Out Bag: Your 72-Hour Disaster Survival Kit
Hiking the Endless Mountains: Exploring the Wilderness of Northeastern Pennsylvania
The Iron Men of Baseball: Major League Leaders in Consecutive Games Played, 1876-2005
The Joy of Ballpark Food: From Hot Dogs to Haute Cuisine
The Heavenly Twins of Boston Baseball: A Dual Biography of Hugh Duffy and Tommy McCarthy
The Games That Changed Baseball: Milestones in Major League History
The Cooperstown Symposium on Baseball and American Culture, 2017-2018 (Cooperstown Symposium Series)
Played in Liverpool: Charting the Heritage of a City at Play
The Days of Rube, Matty, Honus and Ty: Scenes from the Early Deadball Era, 1904-1907
The Cooperstown Symposium on Baseball and American Culture, 2015-2016 (Cooperstown Symposium Series)
The Beauty of Short Hops: How Chance and Circumstance Confound the Moneyball Approach to Baseball
The 50 Greatest Players in Pittsburgh Pirates History
Psychology of Gamesmanship - How to Manage Mind Games and Tricks
Philadelphia Flyers Encyclopedia
Outdoor Leadership - The Noble Gift
Rowdy Patsy Tebeau and the Cleveland Spiders: Fighting to the Bottom of Baseball, 1887-1899
Red Sox vs. Braves in Boston: The Battle for Fans' Hearts, 1901-1952
POW Baseball in World War II: The National Pastime Behind Barbed Wire
Player Won-Lost Records in Baseball: Measuring Performance in Context
Out of the Shadows: African American Baseball from the Cuban Giants to Jackie Robinson